domingo, 17 de junio de 2012


I'm sure all of us have felt great many times in our lives, but sadly all of that seems to fade away or come to an end sooner or later...but why is that?...that's because we depend on other things to feel good, if you depend on someone to feel good, whenever that someone disappoints you, or walks away, your happiness is over. If you depend on things to feel good, whenever you are broke, or you lose or break your things, your happiness is over. So since the problem seems to be that you can't rely on outside factors to make you happy, the solution to this has to simply be to start relying only on yourself to be happy.

I started to put this into practice and I found out one of the best ways to make yourself happy is to accomplish things, there is no better feeling than that of being proud of yourself. I recently graduated from a film scholarship, as well as valedictorian from a theater scholarship, and in 9 days I'll be graduating from high school, I performed last week two original theater plays, one of them as the lead character in an amazing theater in Manhattan! and right now I'm working on getting an internship with an outstanding acting company as well as auditioning for an acting scholarship this summer with a noted acting school here in NYC. Why do I feel so amazing? why am I so happy? because even though my boyfriend broke up with me, my dad is mad at me, my mom is so busy I barely see her, and I miss my BTFs like crazy...I have to thank no one, but myself and God for all of these achievements! because no one can take away from me what I earned for myself!

So if you ever feel blue, or down, just remember you don't depend on anyone to be happy. Thank God that you are alive, go out and do something for yourself, do something that makes you feel good, do what makes you happy! whether it is to succeed in something like me, or something you are passionate about like acting, dancing, or painting, give yourself a treat of your favorite food, or buy something nice for yourself...whatever it is, just do it if it makes you happy, and NEVER wait for others to do for you what makes you happy, because happiness doesn't come from others...happiness is a state of mind...happiness is a choice.

- Claire

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012


My brain is shut and it doesn't know what to write about, so I've decided to write about: IZZIE not posting in the blog!! YEAH EMMA!! YOU! 
She's SO lazy, besides she doesn't get this seriously -.- 
UGH, I'm tired of fighting with her because of this... So, I'll leave it to Claire :)
Well... That's it, haha, sorry... :) I hope you enjoy :)
P.S: Izzie, when you read this: NOW THAT YOU ARE ON VACATIONS YOU DON'T HAVE EXCUSES!!! I love you :)