jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012


Ok, so we've all been in those situations where we are hard-headed and stubborn, and we know we are wrong BUT WE DON'T CARE! because if we are wrong, and we know we are wrong, and we stay that way, its because we freaking want to! so we just hope and wish people stop being slow and get it!

There's nothing more irritating than having someone try to give you some wise words of advise, in that calm-adult voice they have, acting like they know everything, feeling all mature...or those people who make the worst attempts of pep talk ever...when they don't know shit! bitch you are not me, you have no idea how I feel, you've got no clue of what's best for me, and if being stubborn and acting like an ass is fucking making me feel better, then get the hell out of my way!

Yeah yeah...I know what you are thinking...you're thinking I'm not right, that I should be writing peaceful words of how you have to listen to others because they care about you and stuff like that...well guess what? even if I'm wrong I have the right to stay this way! and let me tell you something, if you were pissed like I am, and mad and upset and sad and depressed and hopeless and stressed and frustrated and irritated and heart broken like I am, then you would agree with me right now...

I'm really sorry you had to read this...and I hope my post doesn't change anyone's mood, for some lighter reading check on us in a few days to read next week's post...and from the bottom of my heart I wish you all never to feel this way, because it sucks, but if you ever feel like I do, then I'm deeply sorry, and good luck...

- Claire

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