miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012



In dance class, my teacher assigned each of us a feeling so we could… express it through a song. Guess which feeling was assigned to me? PASSION! 

What is PASSION? What is that thing that everyone talks about? How can I put that in the scenario when I don’t know what the HELL is?! 

If you search Wikipedia, passion is: *intellectual accent* a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Well… as soon as I found this definition I start thinking, WHAT TO DO?! I thought of a bull, of love, of… ANYTHING! But at the end I found my real passion: MY DREAM. 

I found out that just being on the scenario performing is my passion. The lights, the audience, the adrenaline, my dreams, being an artist, being admire for what I do; that’s it. 

Passion is the motor that helps me stand for what I want, for the dreams God gave me. Passion is an eternal love for acting, dancing and singing. Passion is that something that won’t let me quit. 

Passion never dies, is always there, and let me tell you something: if you are not passionate for what you do, you just weren't born for that. 

Follow your dreams, God gave them to you so you can chase them, catch them and live them. Don’t give up on what you love, want and wish. Never quit the battle if you haven’t fight and always stand for what you believe. 

Life's a long road, keep walking. 




P.S: “Don’t let the fear of striking you out; keep you from playing the game.” –Cinderella Story

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm glad you can define your passion, it's amazing how you feel for that that you love.

  2. OMG...amazing! I feel the exact same way BTF, this is one of those things that when you read them you just feel like standing up and doing something! hahaha I'm so proud of you <3

