domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Time Heals Everything

After a break-up (when you really love the person), the only thing you can think about is: when is the pain disappearing? You keep hours, days, and months or even years asking yourself what went wrong, what was that something you said or did that ruin everything… WHAT?!

Well, in my opinion, I don’t know why they call it a heart-break if it feels like you’re all broken. I may speak for us BTFs when I say: Our luck with the boys… umm, isn’t the best one. Seriously, is like if in my forehead I had a BIG, SHINY (with glitter and everything), sign saying: LOOKING FOR BOY WITH GIRLFRIEND! Why do guys (obviously, not all of them… but big part of them) have to be such assholes?! When you’re in a relationship you’re not supposed to be flirting with other girls… they like, don’t appreciate when someone really loves them.

Cheating is the worst mistake you can do in a relationship… honestly, is like yelling your mate: YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR ME! And then, we go back to the start of this entry: WHAT DID I DO WRONG? And the truth is the only mistake you did was loving him/her TOO much. You’re not guilty of what “THEY” did… you’re muchier, you got your muchness. LOL. No, but really, you are a great person, you deserve better… and I know it sounds cliché, but just because it is the truth.

One way or another you will mend yourself, it’s a matter of time. At the beginning you’ll hate yourself, then you will hate he/she, and when you less expected, you won’t even think on them. I wished I were a little girl again; bruised knees heal faster than broken hearts, but… life goes on, it can’t be stopped just for one person. We have to stop ignoring the one who love us and stop loving the one who ignore us… it’s not healthy, besides it’s not cool. So, learn from yesterday (you’re worth it), live for today (you have tons of guys to meet), and hope for tomorrow ( maybe one of those guys is the ONE) ;)


4 comentarios:

  1. I know, I'm the worst person to give you an advise but... well, I have no advise for you little sis. The only thing I know is that time mends everything, but I've begun doubting that... drawing away from him/her is my only good advise because I have done it, and it's all that had been worth the trouble. OK, I'm a coward. So I guess that's not a good advise after all.

    You're worth it babe. That's all that I know. Ah! and going slow would be the ideal thing for "not break yourself in pieces"... but I guess that takes the amusement off... :S

  2. Thanks sis.... good advice, it's the best you can do :):)

  3. ;)
    Let's see things different...
    It's also true that I won't give you an adivise because I want you to suffer... so you understand love and when the real man comes, you'll be prepare, and the man you choose would be the best of all the frogs you have kissed. That's why you need to suffer, so, at the end, you find the best one. And I want the best for my little sis!

    Sorry I'm this way honest!
