viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

First Day At School

Oh! After a great summer, the first day at school is always bad. You come from two great months of a dream life where you don’t do anything, you party until the hour you wish, you sleep until you get exhausted of it, and simply, you do what you want. However, going back to school is like changing those parties into homework, or the 168456213 hours of sleeping you had, for the 3 hours you sleep because you have to wake up at 5 o’clock.

This year: I’M A SENIOR! WOW! The oldest of high school… that HAS to be great; our jackets, the yellow chairs only seniors use in reunions, and a lot more preferences, YAY! But, when you come to school there are still these people; the people you have to see every single day of every single year even if you don’t want, but also the people, somehow or another, you care about. Why? Because they are the ones you grow up with, the ones with whom you have gone through a lot of things, the ones you’ll end school, YOUR CLASS.

In school there’s always going to be:

  • The Hater: A show-off girl who thinks and who wants to be the center of attention… ALWAYS!
  • The Popular: The group of the popular ones; the people who have a great social life, who are beautiful and that are not afraid of doing something.
  • The Hot Guy/Girl: The ones everyone likes; kids at sixth grade will die to be with them… like the Poshs and Beckhams of high school.
  • The Artists: They have their own band, or their whole gallery, or a play next week. The ones you usually see with a guitar on their hands, or a pencil… or practicing choreography at the dance classroom.
  • The Good Ones: Always doing their homework, sleeping early at night, being the dream son or daughter.
  • The Geek: The one who is always alone, in his/her own world. You can feel sorry for them, but if you’re seen with them, there are two possibilities:

o Your social life will be destroy or;

o He will fall for you (personal experience, not something I want to talk about nor remember)

  • HIM: The GUY. The one you get nervous just by staring at, or excited because he smile at you, the one you have love… your love, the one you’ll never forget.
  • And finally, THE NORMAL ONES: Us! BTFs; we’re not haters, popular, geeks, good girls, artists, nor the hot ones… we’re the normal ones.

This year, the hater has her hair different, the popular are even more popular, the geek is geeker, the hot one is hotter, the artist has a new song, the good ones… are still the good ones; and HE… he is as gorgeous and lovely as ever. I no longer talk that much with him, but he still has that something I die for, he is still HE.

I’ll enjoy this year at school as if it was the last one… WAIT! It is, LOL. Never mind, maybe this year won’t be the best one, nor the worst; but when you’re a SENIOR, who cares? I’ll be me more than any other time, I’ll be the girl I want to be, I’ll be Camille, the normal girl… a normal girl who will achieve what she wants, what she dreams. But right now, I’ll be myself while I do math homework… hope I can with it… if not: DADDY!!

Hope you have enjoy



8 comentarios:

  1. YOU ARE A SENIOR?!?!?! Since when?! LOL I love you my pedacito de AGOGÓ! LOL... well, it's Agogó because it's sweet-acid... :)

    It's lovely to hear that you still love him (cause you had never accepted it). It's also cool to know that you are a normal girl.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... what a great joke!

  2. .... I DON'T LOVE HIM... I just find him... interesting in a good... very good way.. LOVE YOU TOO

  3. It's always the same everywhere. There are this groups, a lot of groups and Here we go! The normal ones. I'm Senior this year too but here in Spain there isn't any diferent thing so this will be another year to get bored.

  4. OMG! Isn't exciting to be a SENIOR?! Is like... WOW! LOL.... and, the normal ones RULE! :):)
    How are the things at your school? Are them that boring?

  5. I'm not exciting at all. I know all the people in my high school I've been there for 5 years... It's all the same: I already know the people who will be in my class ( I dont like them at all), there is no good-looking boys,oh, well, there is one but he's just good-looking, nothing else... There isnt clubs or something fun... haha.
    Oh, one thing! Where r u from?:)

  6. HAHAHAHA well... we're from Colombia, but if you ask why we write in english is because one of us is living in New York and we want her friends to read our blog too. Things here... are more or less like a school you watch at movies from USA... I also know all of the people who goes to highschool, but everyday is enjoyable... why do you dislike your classmates?!

  7. OH! BTW... I love your blog... is so.. inspiring. I love the way you write :)

  8. Camille I love you so much, and I hope you enjoy your senior year as no one has ever before! oh well I'll just have to bear being junior ugh... 2 more years (so much time wasted in school haha)
