domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Everything Has An End

“When life offers you a dream so  far beyond any of your expectations, 
it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.” -Twilight

What happens when you meet someone soooo special, sweet, caring...perfect? Usually we start to doubt, right? Is he acting? Lying? Or...why me? I'm sure he can find someone prettier, smarter, funnier...Well let me tell you something...Trust in yourself, don't question him and don't question the magic. Ok, yes, maybe he's lying, and its very probable that things might end, and they might end bad, and you might end hurt...but even if that happens, the smile you once had was real, and what you felt was real...and you should never regret anything that once made you smile. So we know that when things are too good to be true, they are usually not...but is not worth to walk away, just out of fear of getting hurt, because even if your fairytale tears apart, it would still have been a farytale once. And its way better to look back and say “It was good while it lasted” than look back and say “I wonder what would have happened”, because if something ends quick, it doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be, it means it was meant to be, just not forever.


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