domingo, 24 de abril de 2011


Ok, so, I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything since November :O. I wanted to post something, but the problem was I didn't know what to write about; so I ended up doing an update on my life...For those of you who might find this not interesting (sorry to disappoint you) but I find posts to be a great way to unburden everything inside me. So here we go:
  • My little brother, who I love with all my heart, turned 6 on November. He already knows how to write so he sent me this adorable letter! I cried when I saw this on the mail (as you might assume he lives in Colombia). My baby sis turned 2 on December. She's so cranky (haha) but so sweet, she even learned how to say my name so when I call she asks to speak to me, aww.
  • On Christmas I got the most amazing surprise/present of all! The doorbell rang and when I opened the door my favorite uncle was standing right there with his girlfriend, which I also love! Awesome holidays with my colombian family. Also on December i broke up with my boyfriend because of other guy, haha who I dated for almost a month, until he make it very clear we were not official so I had no right to make drama over the fact that he had kissed another girl -.- did I mention already I'm a magnet for jerks? 
  • On January I passed all my freaking Regents! woohoo! (Government exams which are requirement to graduate) and finished my 1st semester with an average of 96%! I have to keep up ‘cause I'm planning on applying to NYU...yes, yes for those of you who are wondering, NYU is where Dakota Fanning goes, but FYI normal people can get accepted too (with a great average, SAT scores, audition, interview, and application essay, haha good luck to me)
  • On February was Valentine's Day which I spent with the most important person in my life, the truly deserver of my mommy hahaha. March and what has gone by of April, have been really monotonous: school, gym, friends, work, acting...and back to school, gym, etc; with one little exception: HIS name is Ulian, Albanian, 18 years old, tall, smart, amazing...
  • Finally, my artistic life: so for those of you who don't know, I'm passionate about acting, I'm doing what’s humanly possible to pursue my dream. So the good news are: I got the leading role on a NYC Film Festival contestant movie, called “Pressure”, I got casted as Jamie “the pretty, rich, popular but default bitch” which I love ‘cause it’s totally opposite of what I am. I've been part of projects such as Twylight Zones, Lectern, Bat Mitzvah Confidential (going to Cannes), The Most Amazing Christmas Play, an Ad Campaign for a new apparel line, one TV commercial and two dancing shows. 
I'm really happy since I'm starting to get paid jobs with companies like ABC and Paramount Pictures :D. Although people in the business tell me starting is a piece of cake, it’s getting to the next level (agent-leading paid jobs) where people fail.

Let me end up by saying life does have its ups and downs, but it’s all about the journey, not the destination. “The best way to make your dreams come true is to stop talking and start doing” - Walt Disney


1 comentario:

  1. Have I mentioned how glad I am that you are fulfilling your dreams? It makes me so happy! I really do hope you act for one of my movies someday YEY!
