miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

Our Friendship Is Tighter Than The JoBros Pants

School is something that can drive you crazy, all those homework, projects, getting early in the morning… ugh! It can seriously be stressful; but there are always those cool projects you enjoy just by the fact you are NOT having class…

Last year, in my school, that cool project consisted in creating your own micro-business and selling what you wanted. Since Claire is not here, Izzie, Emma and I build our own hamburger business… believe me when I say: those hamburgers were the best ones I’ve taste. Anyway, it was morning and everyone at 10th grade was organizing their local.

Emma and I were putting in order the cardboards… our “publicity”. We needed some scissors, so I went in search of them. I search through ALL high-school and at the end I, FINALLY, found a scissor. Since we had few time, I got back to our local running with the scissors on my hand.

“Didn’t your mom tell you not to run with scissors?” Emma asked me

“OH Em! I knoww, but running with scissors makes me feel dangerous!”

That comment just made us laugh until our lungs couldn’t more… we laugh so much and so loud, that Izzie had to punch us to make us stop!! It was hilarious…

I’m the second BTF, Camille, and through time I’ve learned that no matter how you dislike or how hard is something, as school, you’ve always friends who make those “unwished” things, the best things ever. In live you can laugh, cry, dance, sing, love, hate and a lot more… but trust me, having a friend by your side will make of that action even better.

Enjoy live guys, do what you want with it, but never forget to have someone by your side you can trust and count on.
Take care,

4 comentarios:

  1. Chloe :) You know me... ;)29 de julio de 2010, 9:22

    Ok... Second time I write this... I'm the most excited reading this! I've known you girls for like a decade... maybe even more... And I know for sure that a friendship like yours is as huge as... Camille's laughter, Emma's ideas, Izzie's but and Claire's love for Twilight... jajaja... And I'm very proud to say that I also have that kind of peersons by my side like you girls have... :)

  2. Awww thanks you Chloe!!
    WE LOVE YOU :)

    - your sister

  4. Hahaha... yeah I know sis...haha
