jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012


Hon, we love you a lot and I pray to God to give me more years with you as my best friend, even in the distance, because this friendship is beautiful.

Thanks for being such a wonderful person that makes the world a nicer place everyday, because everything we do that shows love, makes the world go round.

I wish you the best in the years to come, and all of the blessings God can give you forever.



Ok, so we've all been in those situations where we are hard-headed and stubborn, and we know we are wrong BUT WE DON'T CARE! because if we are wrong, and we know we are wrong, and we stay that way, its because we freaking want to! so we just hope and wish people stop being slow and get it!

There's nothing more irritating than having someone try to give you some wise words of advise, in that calm-adult voice they have, acting like they know everything, feeling all mature...or those people who make the worst attempts of pep talk ever...when they don't know shit! bitch you are not me, you have no idea how I feel, you've got no clue of what's best for me, and if being stubborn and acting like an ass is fucking making me feel better, then get the hell out of my way!

Yeah yeah...I know what you are thinking...you're thinking I'm not right, that I should be writing peaceful words of how you have to listen to others because they care about you and stuff like that...well guess what? even if I'm wrong I have the right to stay this way! and let me tell you something, if you were pissed like I am, and mad and upset and sad and depressed and hopeless and stressed and frustrated and irritated and heart broken like I am, then you would agree with me right now...

I'm really sorry you had to read this...and I hope my post doesn't change anyone's mood, for some lighter reading check on us in a few days to read next week's post...and from the bottom of my heart I wish you all never to feel this way, because it sucks, but if you ever feel like I do, then I'm deeply sorry, and good luck...

- Claire

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012



In dance class, my teacher assigned each of us a feeling so we could… express it through a song. Guess which feeling was assigned to me? PASSION! 

What is PASSION? What is that thing that everyone talks about? How can I put that in the scenario when I don’t know what the HELL is?! 

If you search Wikipedia, passion is: *intellectual accent* a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Well… as soon as I found this definition I start thinking, WHAT TO DO?! I thought of a bull, of love, of… ANYTHING! But at the end I found my real passion: MY DREAM. 

I found out that just being on the scenario performing is my passion. The lights, the audience, the adrenaline, my dreams, being an artist, being admire for what I do; that’s it. 

Passion is the motor that helps me stand for what I want, for the dreams God gave me. Passion is an eternal love for acting, dancing and singing. Passion is that something that won’t let me quit. 

Passion never dies, is always there, and let me tell you something: if you are not passionate for what you do, you just weren't born for that. 

Follow your dreams, God gave them to you so you can chase them, catch them and live them. Don’t give up on what you love, want and wish. Never quit the battle if you haven’t fight and always stand for what you believe. 

Life's a long road, keep walking. 




P.S: “Don’t let the fear of striking you out; keep you from playing the game.” –Cinderella Story

martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Let the bad times roll...and the good ones, too.

Lately we've been quite absent in the blog but that doesn't mean we stopped loving each other, that doesn't mean our lives aren't fun and hectic...it's just we've been quite busy with all of that, and now we're back to tell you all about it.

I have to admit, my life's been quite a mess (and not all bad, I'm just not prepared for all this shit) in every single possible way, after that terrible depression from December (don't get me wrong, I'm not depressive, I only had this one terrible month at the end of last year).
I started college (finally) this year, and concerning this topic, I had some cold feet in the middle of the semester about the major I'd chosen. 
But warming up into the important topic here, I'm gonna start from the beginning: we met last year at a close mutual friend's arty and we only spoke a couple of times because he lives quite away. We started speaking around Jan and hit it off right away, he liked me, and the fact that he was so wrong and unavailable for me, made him so desirable to me...despite that he was not that attractive, I starting liking him and wanting all about him after 3 months speaking...and Spring break was coming, and we were about to meet. Long story short, he told me he was seeing someone, truth is, I was seeing someone too, here in my city. We saw each other, and for the first time in my life I felt so many things at the same time.
It's true about me, that I'm kind of a guy when it comes to feelings and relationships, as my friends say...I'm a little jerk about it, I find it hard to trust and hard to love someone that way. 
Previously, and correct me if I'm wrong, or if that post was deleted, but you know I made some mistakes last year, when it comes to guys...speaking more specifically, I behaved a little with the morals of a guy...if you know what I mean...
Okay, so getting back in track, I felt I didn't care about anything, I wanted to do whatever I wanted, no matter the consequences and no matter what my heart and mind told me: it was all wrong, and the price, I had to pay with guilt and hardness in heart. I wanted all of him so bad, and I couldn't understand why; I wanted him to remember me, have something from me, that even if it was easy for him to get from other women, I wanted to give to him, and to have me as a good reference about it.
I know my attributes, I feel better looking and I know that I was the one he wanted to be with...but the coldness in his heart only expressed how he could only think one minute at a time, and that speaking and skypeing with me every day for three months, meant nothing from one day to another. 
I thought I was tough and could handle all of it, but when he left, it was exactly like Gotye's song, he was just somebody that I USED to know...or at least the little part he showed me, and I liked...I tried so many new things, I learned new things, and experienced so many new stuff...(don't get me wrong, not everything I say has to do with sex)...even if I confess that I am kind of like a guy about it...I think about sex almost all the time....jajaja
Well, I thought everything wouldn't matter when he left because I had someone here...but when things got tense and that thing I had with this other guy made me realize how consuming that was, I couldn't stop thinking of him, and how bad I wanted him...because I couldn't make him mine, not even when he was here...but I felt happy when we were together, that was the only moment I didn't feel wasted, and I like those memories, and I cherish them, because that's all I'm gonna have.
The thing with the guy here didn't work, and I started weighing opportunities other guys, and the ones I had friend-zoned so bad...how much I deserved guys like them...but I didn't want to do it only for the heck of not being alone...
So here I am, finally ending this semester, still having some second thoughts, and well....we still speak to each other, I have to admit I'm in great terms with all of those guys...friends and...well...whatever you want to call the other two...I wanted to see him again, and the only thing that made my feet come back to the ground, was the fact that he told me some cold truth, and I loved that, I loved that so much, that even if the rest of my life is full of other complicated stuff, he makes me tougher, and better in some awesome way...I love that.

I'm not sorry for this long post, it makes me feel relieved. I AM sorry that I'm not gonna post some of those hipster/emo/kinda-weird pictures, I just don't like them...maybe one day I find some cool pictures worth posting here from my behalf...and I know you'll enjoy them.

The desire is not going anywhere, but I'm still here, and I'm glad I feel that way, because it makes me human. There's nothing wrong with how you feel, because they are your feelings, no one can judge them, they are simply yours.

Happily trying to make this easier to get written, and to be responsible, 

lots of love

-Me :)