miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010


There's just ONE day left for THE JACKET!!! I can't wait for the ceremony!!
First we'll rip a laaaarge paper while the song  Eye of the
Tiger (from Rocky) is playing. The jackets will be I don't know where, I don't know how. However, when we take them, we'll get out of the Poli-D, and then we'll enter by the big door in partners, while the song Bitter Sweet Symphony is playing, and we'll sit in the yellow chairs FOR SENIORS!!

I CAN'T WAIT!! I'll post some pictures from the ceremony ;)


martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


There's always the friend who you have known since you were a kid. The oldest friendship of all... in my case, is one of my two best friends: Izzie.

We met when we were in second grade, I was six, and our first words were: "HEY! Can you lend me the blue color?" OH! I remember, she became my best friend instantly, and I can't think in some one better than her. My life has been so much easier with her at my side; she's my big sister now... although some times I seem like the oldest: SHE'S A YEAR OLDER THAN ME! LOL

I think that she's one of that few people in my life that would never give up on me, that no mattering how, she will fight until she is capable for our friendship. The blonde and the brunette... we are the perfect mix, we are funny, sarcastic, sweet, confident... seriously, we are best friends because are parents couldn't handle us as sisters.

We have gone through a lot of things together, our holy communion, confirmation, 10 birthdays, Christmas, New Year, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and a lot more. But we have also been for each other on the bad situations... this year Izzie move to another school, it was a huge impact for us, since we have been together all these years... now, I miss my best friend in class, I miss explaining her the lecture, laughing about nothing, hugging her any time I want, seeing her every day, gossiping about the new couple at school, I MISS HER!!

Baby, you are my best friend because you love me for exactly who I am, my good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty. Even in my worst days, you never leave me standing alone in the rain and I LOVE YOU for that! My life have been so much easier, fun, and just great because of YOU!


sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010


I hear everyone talking about her, how perfect and wonderful she was.
So I begin to remember... her voice, her hands, her smile, the way she said hello and just everything about her; and I came to the conclusion that I don't remember almost anything about her.

I envy my sister, how can she openly talk about her, about the kind of... connection they had, the dreams she has about her, and all the time they spent together. It makes me wonder if my sister was more important for her than me. After all, the years they spent together were a lot more than the ones I spent with her.

With her, I spent 12 years... I can't remember most of them, but one thing I know is that I love her very much. I love her and I miss her even more. I ask God, why did He took her so quickly? My life with her would have been a lot easier, she made me happy, she was my way of escaping of drama and boys, she was my second mother, she was my everything.

Never had the chance to tell her I love her; at that age you don't say that things, specially to your family. Her departure made me appreciate every person in my life even more. You don't know what you have until you lose it.

I miss your warmth. I miss your presence. I miss having fun with you. You're the one who makes my life whole, and whom I can lean. Late at night, when everyone is sleeping, I stay up thinking of you, and I wish on a star that somewhere you are thinking of me too... I can't wait to be with you again. I love you. I miss you.


miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010


Young guy:
Love is the nearest thing we got to magic...

Old man:
Love my dear is what inspired magic, only love can make you float in midair, only love can make you see what is not there, only love can make some one 70 years old and wrinkled seem like the most beautiful person in the world; yes dear, love is MAGIC.


viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

First Day of School, In A New School!

I studied with Camille, Izzie and Emma my whole life, can you imagine 14 years in the same school, with the same people? Yes it was great to be with your friends whom you met when you were 2 years old, but it was also kind of monotone. Well, after finishing my sophomore year I enter a new school, but it was not only a new school, it was in a new city, in a new country!

I won’t lie to you I was so scared, I had been 14 years in my old school and people still called me freak, and I still had social issues (I mean I had my BTFs but I didn’t talk to everyone) besides I had to deal with USA high school comments, the thypical “oh be careful with the bullies, and don’t pay attention to the gans, if someone offers you drugs please say no, and you can’t use a bagpack because they were removed after a kid brought a gun to the school” WTF! I keep saying, this can’t be true!

My first week at the new school I discovered that yes there were gangs, and those kids you don’t want to mess with, and to my surprise some kids really did drugs haha, but there was also that nice girl who helped you find your classroom, that cute boy who didn’t even know you but winked at you, that teacher you wonder where did she buys her clothes, etc. And although I only studied at that school for 6 months I made so many friends that made my semester worth it, friends I still talk to because it only took 6 months to build a relationship so strong as if we were friends since childhood.

So now that I’m entering a new school again, in the BIG APPLE, I’m not nervous any more, I’M SO EXCITED! I can be who ever I want to be this time, those mistakes you did in thirth grade that people still remember won’t be bothering me any more. New friends, new classmates, new teachers, new school, new house, new neighbors, new city, new state! Thank God it’s still the same country! I’m ready to live big time!

I’ll make sure to keep you updated on my life here in THE BIG APPLE!!!
- Claire

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Yes Boy, You Are The One Who Makes Me Smile

"Do me a favor: Tell me what you think about me,
tell me how you want this to be...
Go out on a limb and just: DREAM"

When you’re heart-broken, the only thing you do is to think. Think in what went wrong? How can you repair it… can you go back in time and change the things? You are afraid of what is going to happen with your life, you can’t think about going on with it without him/her… for you, it’s just NOT possible.

However, when time goes by you start thinking in yourself and a little bit less in that someone; you begin to consider your life without them. Then, AT LAST, you meet SOMEONE, that someone you have been waiting for, someone who gives you another opportunity of feeling that “something” you felt before… that thing you didn’t expect to feel anymore.

So… it come this boy into your life; and the way he laughs makes you smile, the way he talks gives you butterflies and just everything about him makes you happy. Girls, if you’re heart-broken, remember that: For every heart-broken girl, there’s a boy with a glue gun :)

BOY: Thank You for coming into my life, thank you for making me feel good, for listening at my completely, random, useless stories and still laughing about them… just, THANKS FOR BEING YOU!
