domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Everything Has An End

“When life offers you a dream so  far beyond any of your expectations, 
it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.” -Twilight

What happens when you meet someone soooo special, sweet, caring...perfect? Usually we start to doubt, right? Is he acting? Lying? Or...why me? I'm sure he can find someone prettier, smarter, funnier...Well let me tell you something...Trust in yourself, don't question him and don't question the magic. Ok, yes, maybe he's lying, and its very probable that things might end, and they might end bad, and you might end hurt...but even if that happens, the smile you once had was real, and what you felt was real...and you should never regret anything that once made you smile. So we know that when things are too good to be true, they are usually not...but is not worth to walk away, just out of fear of getting hurt, because even if your fairytale tears apart, it would still have been a farytale once. And its way better to look back and say “It was good while it lasted” than look back and say “I wonder what would have happened”, because if something ends quick, it doesn't mean it wasn't meant to be, it means it was meant to be, just not forever.


domingo, 24 de abril de 2011


Ok, so, I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything since November :O. I wanted to post something, but the problem was I didn't know what to write about; so I ended up doing an update on my life...For those of you who might find this not interesting (sorry to disappoint you) but I find posts to be a great way to unburden everything inside me. So here we go:
  • My little brother, who I love with all my heart, turned 6 on November. He already knows how to write so he sent me this adorable letter! I cried when I saw this on the mail (as you might assume he lives in Colombia). My baby sis turned 2 on December. She's so cranky (haha) but so sweet, she even learned how to say my name so when I call she asks to speak to me, aww.
  • On Christmas I got the most amazing surprise/present of all! The doorbell rang and when I opened the door my favorite uncle was standing right there with his girlfriend, which I also love! Awesome holidays with my colombian family. Also on December i broke up with my boyfriend because of other guy, haha who I dated for almost a month, until he make it very clear we were not official so I had no right to make drama over the fact that he had kissed another girl -.- did I mention already I'm a magnet for jerks? 
  • On January I passed all my freaking Regents! woohoo! (Government exams which are requirement to graduate) and finished my 1st semester with an average of 96%! I have to keep up ‘cause I'm planning on applying to NYU...yes, yes for those of you who are wondering, NYU is where Dakota Fanning goes, but FYI normal people can get accepted too (with a great average, SAT scores, audition, interview, and application essay, haha good luck to me)
  • On February was Valentine's Day which I spent with the most important person in my life, the truly deserver of my mommy hahaha. March and what has gone by of April, have been really monotonous: school, gym, friends, work, acting...and back to school, gym, etc; with one little exception: HIS name is Ulian, Albanian, 18 years old, tall, smart, amazing...
  • Finally, my artistic life: so for those of you who don't know, I'm passionate about acting, I'm doing what’s humanly possible to pursue my dream. So the good news are: I got the leading role on a NYC Film Festival contestant movie, called “Pressure”, I got casted as Jamie “the pretty, rich, popular but default bitch” which I love ‘cause it’s totally opposite of what I am. I've been part of projects such as Twylight Zones, Lectern, Bat Mitzvah Confidential (going to Cannes), The Most Amazing Christmas Play, an Ad Campaign for a new apparel line, one TV commercial and two dancing shows. 
I'm really happy since I'm starting to get paid jobs with companies like ABC and Paramount Pictures :D. Although people in the business tell me starting is a piece of cake, it’s getting to the next level (agent-leading paid jobs) where people fail.

Let me end up by saying life does have its ups and downs, but it’s all about the journey, not the destination. “The best way to make your dreams come true is to stop talking and start doing” - Walt Disney


viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011


Last night I was trying to fall asleep, and inspiration came along, as usual, very late at night.
I started typing nonsense, and then 
realized all I wanted was a 

All my life has this beautiful animal been my favorite, and well, at times, for example today, my inspiration. 

Sometimes I feel like I was one, well for different, pretty stupid but meaningful to me reasons, like:

 - They have PURPLE tongues, which is pretty much one of the COOLEST things I’ve seen, even though they are not the only animals with it (some Chow-Chow’s have it too), its one of my favorite attributes on them. And since they are VERY cool, I find myself cool most of the time, as a way of cheer me up :) which is the way I love me.

  - They say they sleep for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time, for really few spaces of the day, which is really little time, for the rest of their day and night they are keeping an eye and avoiding predators. I, myself, don’t sleep much neither,  which is harmful for my health, but what can I do if Insomnia has become a really good friend of mine lately…I’ve been falling asleep through lectures and watching tv at home in the afternoon…quite interesting, huh?

  -They are the tallest animals in the entire WORLD! Their height is so awesome!!!! I don’t feel like this is a characteristic of mine, but still, I wish I was taller…really, like models…hmmm
…................................*fell asleep here*.....................................

Wonder what I dreamt about? Sorry, Can't remember, my memory is perhaps the lamest of my characteristics...I can't remember lots of!

Ok, so...having no more words to say, and almost falling asleep again, I need a closure on my topic for today....but since I lost track of what I was saying and I definitely need to get some honest-to-God, healthy and beauty sleep, I will depart from your sight saying that I want a giraffe, since I don't think I left my point quite clear before.

Good night pretty people who read this blog, and specially this entry, it might have been ridiculous for you, but it's what I LOVE, so if you don't like it, or don't like it interesting, you can bite me. :)

I'll accept it if you don't share my point of view, that's ok, but just don't MESS AROUND with my stuff if you don't like, I don't want to know it.
[ I know I sound dangerous, but I'm just kidding :) ] 

-Emma <3

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Been Away: An Update on my Life

I'm really sorry for my absence in the blog, I know I should have uploaded my Senior memories like a week ago, but...well, no matter how many excuses I give you, I'd be still feeling guilty.
I've got some updates about My life lately:

-Became friends with the guy I dated for two months, Awkward at times, but still he's the only one who gets me calm when I feel like shit....and I believe we now are truly JUST friends, no kidding. He says I'm shameless on everything I do, and I guess he's right, I'm just not afraid to say whatever I got on my mind, or to be open and social...but I do know I need to start FILTERING my opinions...oops!

-Still feel like shit at times, 'cause even if I don't want to have a bad taste of guys, I just can't get enough, and I want to be dating one again. I guess it's a plain physical need, not like sex or else, but a hug and a kiss to make me feel needed. I WANT A SEXY MAN!! (lol)

-The situation in Japan makes me feel really bad and sad; I really wish I could cry, but even if I feel a knot in my chest, no tears come out. -.- It's frustrating. Anyways, all of my prayers are with them, and I'm asking God, to please, show all of His mercy with the world, it's getting harder to live in everyday: Natural disasters and intolerance is killing all of us, insecurity is just getting worse everyday.

-I'm overwhelmed over the fact that the way my life is going is making me feel stupid for two reasons:
*I've been neglecting my work and my duties as a teenager: I'm not doing all of my job at school and I feel useless when it comes to doing my part at home...I feel like I'm the one who's guilty of the economic crisis at home, my parents are paying for my excursion and lots of other stuff we've been needing here; and still I am just a weight for them asking for money all the time.
*I'm URGING a CHANGE in my life, and I don't mean a change like having a guy by my side, even though that's a big part of it, but also that I feel quite like a SLOTH (or as I say in spanish: "MORSA" or walrus.) I want to start working out at the gym, but there's no money and it's quite expensive, and they say I should work out at home, but I'm just to lazy, I can't work out if I'm not under pressure -.-...and I want also to change something about my physical aspect, like the way I have my hair (haircut) or the color of it (dye it) but I just can't think of anything I could dare to do that goes beyond getting bangs...which needs lots of work if I want it to look nice. REMEMBER: I'm the brunette with long wavy hair, which makes it hard to keep it under control lately.

I realize that all of this is MY FAULT, really I NEED A CHANGE, otherwise...things will be only getting worse and more messed up in my life.

OK, so...I can't think about other details I should be telling you from my life, right now, but SERIOUSLY I promess not to be so absent or to wait so long before I share my experiences with you.


with love, XOXO,
-EMMA!! :D

P.S.: I wish the one of the picture was me, but I'm sorry to disappoint you guys, I don't have a tattoo, or at least I haven't dare to do one; but please understand: it goes against my ethical point of view and we're talking about something that is forever, which is a lot! I'm still doubting if this is my final say. :O

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

I'm Here For You

That feeling when you can't do anything for the ones you love...
That feeling when you can't give that someone the thing they need to feel fine...
That feeling is worst than being that someone that is hurt.

domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

BTFs Forever&Always

I will never forget your face the first day of fourth grade... GOD! You scare the hell out of me. However, I realize you haven't change a bit. Always so grateful, kind, friendly, extrovert, happy, etc. I guess your personality is crucial for our friendship....

We've been friends since we were 10 years old, and honestly I can't find someone that understands me better than you. We know everything about each other, we know our dreams, our fears, our favorite stuff, hobby, food, etc. Seriously, like you say: We are soul mates. My soul sister :):)

This New Year I want to start it as good as I can, and this means to be good with you. We can laugh, have fun, enjoy, be crazy, seem perfect, but we also cry, get mad, and most of all: fight. You know what's great about these fights? Our reconciliations... these reconciliations which prove us that we can't be without each other, the ones that show us the power of our friendship, the loyalty, the love between each other.

The consequences of these fights can be big... lets not make them reach us. This 2011 let's not fight that much, let's pray God to give us patience, to give us happiness, to give us love. Let's ask Him for better things, let's ask Him to become better people. You know what my wish this year was? To make our friendship bigger and bigger each day, to become more Best True Friends than we are, to have more of each other, to never let this die.

When I met you I never imagine that you'll become as special as you are for me now... I LOVE YOU BTF, you are my sister, you are my world, if something happens to you, I know I would die. WOW! What a friendship! ILY GIRL!

Here in Bennett, Cali, Colombia, is just the two of us, we are the ones that share the most, the ones that are like ONE SAME BODY... LOL, and we need to share THIS again. Accept my New Year's present and let's make of this 2011 THE BEST YEAR OF OUR LIVES!

Lot's of X'S and O's
-Me, Camille